Sala SCIROCCO / LIBECCIO 15:30 - 16:00 Development of an innovative carbon steel metal co-
red wire with reduced content of manganese in the fumes: effects of different chemical compositions on the microstructure and on the mechanical properties of the weld metal. N. Faraone, A. Ribaudo, F. Todescato (voestalpine Böhler Welding)
Metal cored welding wires are commonly used in electric arc welding of low carbon steels, in particular for structural applications. Significant concerns has been raised in the last years on the potential neurological effects associated to the presence of manganese in the welding fu- mes; therefore, in order to guarantee a safer condition for the welders, there is a strong exigence to limit the manganese content in the che- mical composition of the filler materials to reduce its concentration in the fumes. On the other side, it is well-known that the manganese is an essential element in the chemical composition of carbon steel electro- des, supporting both the tensile and the impact properties of the weld metal. This paper describes the challenges behind the development of an innovative seamless low manganese emission metal cored wire and the main steps to obtain a weld metal with sound mechanical properties, despite a reduced manganese content. In particular, the role of two important grains refinement micro alloying elements (Boron and Titanium) is discussed.
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